SVZ EMUNI University Izobraževalna ustanova še nima potrjenega računa.

Intercultural Business Communication B2-MAG

Vrsta in trajanje študija: IZREDNI študij (2 leti)
ECTS kreditnih točk: 120 KT za celotni študij
Pridobljen naziv: Magister medkulturnega managementa
Kraj izvajanja: Portorož

Izbira univerze
Izbira fakultete
Izbira programa
Omejitve & izračun točk

O študijskem programu

The master study programme Intercultural Business Communication is an interdisciplinary study programme offering knowledge and skills in the fields of languages, intercultural dialogue, business administration, intercultural relations, internet marketing and internationalization to be able to communicate and operate effectively in the Euro-Mediterranean and broader area.

The programme consists of 13 compulsory units and 2 electives. From the three languages offered (English, French, Arabic), the candidates choose two. They also choose two elective courses (one from 3 courses offered by EMUNI and another one from courses offered by our partners).

Vpisni pogoji

  • Candidates must have the Bachelor degree or equivalent,
  • a high knowledge of two foreign languages (according to the Common European
  • Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR, level C1 for the following languages: English, French, and level B1 Arabic, Italian is required) and
  • a basic knowledge of economic and business topics (at least 16 ECTS points in business courses, such as management and marketing).
  • The candidates who graduated from the study programmes that do not meet the criteria mentioned above (items 2 and 3) must prove the knowledge through examination.


Za izredni študij, posamezni letnik: 6.000 EUR

Študijske smeri


Podatki o vpisu

Intercultural Business Communication (B2-MAG, izredni)

Št. leto Rok Razpis Prijave Sprejeti Omejitev
2022/23 1 30 / /
2021/22 1 30 / /
2020/21 1 30 / /
2019/20 1 30 / /
2018/19 1 30 / /
2017/18 1 30 / /
2016/17 1 30 / /
2015/16 1 30 / /
Prikaži starejše
  • Št. leto - študijsko leto na katerega se nanaša podatek
  • Razpis - število prostih mest za vpis v 1. letnik študijskega programa
  • Prijave - število prejetih prijav za določen študijski program kot 1. želja v določenem roku
  • Sprejeti - število sprejetih za določen študijski program v določenem prijavnem roku
  • Omejitev - minimalno število točk, potrebnih za vpis v 1. letnik v določenem prijavnem roku
  • Znak / - ni podatka ali podatek še ni znan

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